Ortigia - Siracusa


«Hallowed rest of the Alpheus, scion of renowned Syracusa, Ortygia, couch of Dian, sister of from thee does the sweet- sounding hymn proceed [...]. »

(Pindaro, Odi, 518-438 a.C.)



«Should a person who had only a day to spend in Sicily ask me what to see, I should answer, Taormina»

(Guy de Maupassant)



«...Etna, crouched between the sea and inland Sicily, with many little dark hamlets perched in hardship on its paws, its tail, its back.”»

(Il bell’Antonio – V. Brancati)



«Tindari, I know you mild between broad hills, overhanging the waters of the god's sweet islands. Today you confront me and penetrate my heart.»

(Vento A Tindari – Salvatore Quasimodo)

Teatro Graco Taormina


«Should a person who had only a day to spend in Sicily ask me what to see, I should answer, Taormina»

(Guy de Maupassant)

Palermo Cattedrale


«I don't envy God his Paradise because I am well satisfied to live in Sicily [...] .»

(Federico II di Svevia, 1194 – 1250)


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Why You Have To Contact Us?

A team composed by high qualified and experienced professionals, will guide you in the best way to discover the most beautiful and characteristic areas of Sicily.


Since more than 20 years we accompany tourists in the most beautiful Sicilian areas.


Thanks to the "family management" of our activity, we are able to offer a high quality standard.


Our services are created according to the needs and desires of our customers.

What We Offer?

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Why They Preferer Us

  • Antonella is a living encyclopaedia of Sicilian history, culture, and art. Her knowledge and experience is boundless; she is a born teacher who inspires travellers to discover and enjoy the magic of Sicily. Her enthusiasm is contagious. - Kembell & George
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About Us

WISHING SICILY is a young and dynamic company establishedand owned by the family Inferrera based in Catania on the islan of Sicily. The family members staff consist of the three brothers, Angela, Enzo and Antonella, Enzo's wife Tania and their cousin Leda. All members of the family team want to share their love for Sicily with visitors and tourists who have a keen interest about exploring the wonders of the island.

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Our Team

Below you can read the personal stories and curricula of the guides that will organize your stay and will accompany you to discover the most evocative and the richest historical places of Sicily

Enzo Inferrera
Enzo Inferrera
Antonella Inferrera
Antonella Inferrera
Foto Tania Salanitri 1h 205x205
Tania Salanitri


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We will welcome your requests in order to make your visit of Sicily unique and unforgettable

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